A disloyal opposition

By Pete North - June 12, 2020

I’m no fan of this Tory government. I understand why it could have been no other way but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’ve always known Boris Johnson was gutless and I knew full well he’d make a godawful prime minister. I knew full well he would shirk responsibility at every turn. I did not, though, imagine that even he would duck the issue of allowing the mob to dismantle statues. That really is the final straw.

But then it rather looks like we are stuck with the Tories. This Colston business has put into sharp focus how unfit Labour is to ever hold office. Johnson ducking the issue is one thing but Starmer kneeling before the mob in submission is a fundamental betrayal of Britain. It’s a concession to the accusation that Britain is a systemically racist country.

There is no question now of me ever voting Labour. I never have and swore I never would but the abysmal conduct of Johnson and his cronies was pushing me in that direction. With Corbyn gone and with the occasional outward sign that Starmer might be a refroming force, I could at least be persuaded to let the chips fall where they may.

The problem here is that middle class progressives essentially agree with Black Lives Matter. They don’t like British people and see them as in need of correction. That was obvious during and since the referendum but to side with a revolutionary mob over British citizens is an insult too far. For as long as Starmer appeases the radicals in labour then Labour is simply unelectable.

What we need is for Labour to show first that it is a loyal opposition before it can be considered a candidate for government. Being that it is loyal primarily to a force that detests us and wants to destroy us it simply doesn’t qualify as loyal and working in the interests of British citizens.

This raises a worrying question for Britain. Without a loyal opposition to keep the government honest, and a notionally conservative government that won’t conserve or defend our values, there is a national leadership crisis. We exist in a moral vacuum as our entire state apparatus retreats from the mob. We are in deep trouble.