It is our ambition to cultivate high quality debate. We have some experience in this and we intend to employ the same moderation policy. We just have a few rules.

Avoid long comments. We won’t read them and if they’re copy and pastes we’ll probably delete them. We don’t tolerate squatters. If you want a platform go to blogger and build your own. It’s easy and it’s free.

Watch your tone. We the authors get enough unpleasantness on social media platforms. We don’t have to tolerate it here. Condescension, general rudeness and profanity will be deleted and banned.

We reserve the right to ban for pretty much any reason. If you keep your points on topic, avoid making it personal, and generally respect what we are trying to accomplish by way of moderated comments then you’ll be fine. If not, you won’t last here. If you want a free for all chatroom, go to Guido.

We feel an article with valuable contributions in the comments is better than just a good article. If your comment is in any way subtractive, it will be removed. This is not to say we don’t tolerate disagreement. It’s entirely possible to disagree without being unpleasant.

As ever we don’t tolerate spam, personal attacks, antisemitism or anti-islam nonsense, though good humoured banter is valued. We are not politically correct but there is no room for bigotry here. Primarily we ask that you stay on topic and respect these guidelines.