Make America whole again

By Pete North - January 8, 2021

I’m hoping this will be the last thing I have to say about America for a little while because we have bigger fish to fry. Trump is a narcissistic fantasist and it’s for the best if he’s not the president. We can, though, say two things in his favour. He kept another narcissistic sociopath from taking the White House in 2016 and America is current not embroiled in any overseas adventures.

His final days, though, shall be his legacy. Those pictures beamed around the world will define his presidency. We can speak of the threat it posed to American democracy – but the real and present threat to American democracy is the bi-partisan consensus to withdraw loser’s consent.

Clinton and her supporters in the media were all too happy to use their influence apparatus to spin innuendo and conspiracy, and much of Trump’s belligerence was a reaction to that. And when it comes down to encouraging and tacitly endorsing political violence, the BLM movement was stoked by the far left, with a view to destabilising and delegitimising the presidency, and though senior Democrat voices went through the motions of condemning it, their actions betray a contract of convenience between them and the rioters.

Ultimately there isn’t a heap of difference between these two mafias. Both are willing to pander to the extremes on their own sides and leverage them to their political advantage. They both pose a threat to civil society.

At the core of it is a moral corruption and political cynicism and breaking the cycle requires one side to step off and show some moral leadership. Something neither is capable of. Biden most certainly talks a good game but this is muscle memory from the Obama years. The moral high road in America is a crumbling ravine pass and the valley floor is littered with wrecked lorries who faltered as their trailers full of hypocrisy gave way.

As much as Trump’s departure is to be welcomed, nothing at all is resolved. Biden will do nothing to take the irons out of the fire, and in many ways will exacerbate the divisions as the shameful events of last year are swept under the carpet. The equivocation and gaslighting with a hefty dose of sanctimony will do nothing at all to heal rifts and we shall be back here again because there lacks the integrity to do anything else. It’s going to take a bigger shock than this to jolt America out of its complacency.