Dark days ahead for the beacon of democracy

By Pete North - January 21, 2021

I do despair at some of you. Yes, Donald Trump was a walking trainwreck of a man who often raised the eyebrows of bulls in china shops, but just because his replacement is a softly spoken old gentleman who mouths all the right eloquent platitudes doesn’t mean Washington is any less (dangerously) corrupt. Have you learned nothing about politics and politicians in all this time?

For my part Trump’s unpredictable flailing was preferable to this calculated florid oration. At least with Trump you knew where you stood and what he was up to – even if it wasn’t good.

What bothers me is the unwillingness to look beyond the façade of the democrats. Everyone seems to get a warm fuzzy feeling from Biden because he carries the legacy prestige of the Obama years before that howwid orange man came along and said some hurty things.

You’ll get no argument from me the Trump was cringeworthy, and the extremes of his fandom were alarming, but I’m more troubled but the mainstream left here and in the US.

The modern left has two main intellectual deficiencies. The first is sneering contempt for their own country and its institutions, to the point of wanting to destroy them, and the second is to demonise even moderate opposition, whipping themselves up into such a frenzy that they feel justified in committing acts of violence and wanton vandalism.

In the US the latter appears to be more prevalent while here in the UK, a more subtle form of vandalism is taking place as woke academia gradually dismantles our past and purges our museums and institutions.

Of particular concern is the rampant delusion that racism lurks in every corner of pubic life, and the belief that any social injustice is the product of structural racism and white supremacy. Though we haven’t seen this manifest in public life in the same way as it has taken hold in the US, it has crept in dressed up in Human Resources dogma thus has infected the police, the courts, and much of the public sector, and even as we speak university bosses are cleansing the syllabus to conform with woke ideology.

Much of this is enabled by mild mannered people, particularly centrist politicians who lack the intuition and scepticism to interrogate measures masquerading as racial and gender equality, thereby becoming the useful idiots of radical communists. We have moved from an in informal system of political correctness to a hard coded ideological doctrine where in some sectors, even addressing someone with the wrong gender pronoun can result in disciplinary action.

This is not insignificant. A transwoman who raped a female in an horrific attack has been jailed for 15 years – but could still end up in a women’s prison. Last Friday, Michelle Winter was convicted of rape at Cambridge Crown Court in the UK. In sentencing, Judge David Farrell described Winter as a dangerous individual, with a “clear propensity to violence.” . It gets worse.

… according to the local press, Winter’s victim then suffered the additional ignominy of hearing her abuser referred-to by female pronouns throughout the trial. Winter, it seems, “identifies as a woman,” terminology that has become so familiar that it rolls off the tongue before our brains question it.

Under the Editor’s Code governing the written media in the UK, journalists are obliged to use the pronouns that transgender individuals use to describe themselves, and there is no exemption for rapists.

We can no doubt find similar instances in the USA. One further notes the effect this has on crime statistics and policing policy – before we even consider what these perverts could do if allowed access to women-only spaces. This is not a matter of inconsequential politeness. This is an intrusion on protected spaces for women and girls. A cornerstone of civilisation.

The attempt to normalise this has not gone through any political process, rather it has been slipped in by the back door – even to the point where clinical supervision has been removed from the process of changing sexes and we’re now feeding experimental drugs to pre-teens. A recent legal challenge put a stop to this, temporarily, but without a politics willing to have an open debate about the woke agenda, who can say what horrors may follow? And of course there will be no such debate, particularly on the left since Labour is held hostage to the politics of teenage girls. Our so-called conservatives offer little opposition to it either.

Though I have some confidence that eventually the British will put this satanic nonsense in the bin where it belongs, along with BLM, and critical race theory dogma, it stands to do a massive amount of damage in the meantime. This, though, has become the mainstream doctrine of the American left, and though this revolution wasn’t mentioned in any campaign speeches that know of, now these people are in the White House, they’ll run riot. Biden won’t lift a finger to stop them.

This, combined with Killary’s foreign policy, makes for a very dark era in American politics and likely a magnitude worse than Trump – even in the corruption league – particularly since partisan American media will give it a free pass.

Under Biden things will seem more peaceful on a superficial level. There will be markedly fewer riots, largely because the riots were part of a protection racket. The rioters (or rather those who enabled them) are now in the White House. But quiet is not necessarily peace or normality. For sure it will be a far less colourful time than the Trump era, and less to get BBC hacks all excited, but the shift in political tides will be far more subtle, beyond the wit of the average hack to detect, giving rise to something far more sinister.

From here, the Biden administration, whether Biden knows it or not, will get to work of fatally weakening the institutions, launching social justice initiatives designed to discriminate against and demonise white people – as per the wokeist doctrine. Complaining about it is only proof of your complicity in “white supremacist systems of oppression”. It’s a game the right can’t win – and we’ll continue to see abridgements of freedom of speech and outright censorship in collusion with big tech.

They’ll never admit that they’re doing any of this or in particularly advertise it. It will all be in the name safeguarding democracy and racial equality – and there’s no shortage of witless enablers willing to make excuses for it.

I can understand the average American choosing Biden over Trump. There’s no question about it. Trump was a liability and his embrace of Covid conspiracy theories and his overall incompetence in responding to Covid made him dangerous. Sadly, though, America may have sacrificed its longer term stability for temporary relief.

In the final analysis, there were some positives about the Trump administration but ultimately it was a failed experiment. It did not meaningfully derail the establishment as promised in that the Biden administration is a resumption of it, and much of what Trump did can and will be overturned within days. Strategically nothing was done to slow the march of woke radicals, and walked into every one of their ambushes. A sharper, more savvy president could have used the time far more productively – but Trump was an incompetent fantasist.

From here the left only gets more dangerous while the right becomes ever more unhinged. There will be no healing and there will be no unity. Just an uneasy pause to hostilities until the next trigger moment. Biden is no agent of compromise, nor are the old gang of vultures loitering around him waiting for him to fall off his perch. A reckoning is coming, and it’s going to be a very messy, very bloody business. If you thought the election of Biden was a rewind to 2016, you might have been born yesterday.