Biden will serve the enemies of freedom

By Pete North - January 20, 2021

I’ve had people telling me in the comments that my concerns about the Biden administration are unfounded. I am told that America doesn’t have a left wing party as such – which might very well be true, but the way American politics gets done is through horse trading and mutual backscratching so it’s less a question of what the administration will do as what it will enable in order to do it.

And even then, America’s politics is not so different form our own. Their big beasts are likely to virtue signal with the best of them without realising the implications of what they’re saying or whose agenda they are serving.

Over the last five years I’ve been dimly aware of wokeism and the culture war – and for the most part have held back in that there are better commentators than me on this subject with a better grasp of the latest leftist dogma. Wokeism a is a belief system with its own architecture, wonderfully dismantled by Helen Pluckrose.

Essentially it has become a political superweapon in the USA – and to some extent the UK. It destroys everything it touches. It takes bright, capable young people and turns them into little Hitlers addled with contorted political correctness. It is the ultimate tool of divide and conquer. It has already done enormous damage and will continue to rip holes in the fabric of American society.

The problem is that every issue is viewed through an identity lens, where ones’ ethnicity, sex and sexual preference trumps all other characteristics – all of which are ranked by their status in the oppression hierarchy. If your social credit score is low your opinion is “privilege” and you’re always guilty by association of white supremacy.

To cut a long story short, this is communism in drag. It hijacks the racial justice agenda to institute policies based on race and attacks the institutions of democracy as part “structural racism” – with a view to dismantling democracy. It goes hand in hand with the decolonisation agenda which exists to censor and erase history and to rewrite it to suit the woke orthodoxy, up to and including appropriating Alan Turing as a trans man. It is deeply sick and twisted and it is coiled around the throat of academia across the USA and Britain.

This stuff is spoofed to impressionable younglings in much the same way Jihadis prey on young Muslim men. We now have young women and girls calling themselves they/them or even he/she. Gender as a social construct. Theirs. Out of politeness we tolerated it but it’s dangerous to do so in that it’s a means of forcing society to accept the absurd as accepted reality. It’s closer to Stalin than Martin Luther King.

Better rebuttals of wokeism than this exist, but the point is that well meaning centre leftists have fallen into the trap of taking this agenda at face value – and designing policies to accommodate it without any regard to the far reaching and dangerous unintended consequences. Others presenting as moderates know exactly what they’re doing which is why we’re going to see weapons grade gaslighting over the next four years.

That makes the Democrats a magnitude more dangerous than an oaf like Trump – not only in terms of the direct assault on democratic values and free speech, but also in terms of what it will do for American unity. It seems distant and abstract until one of your own family catches the virus. Makes me thank god I’m not a parent.

Donald Trump’s legendary tantrums can all be patched up. He’s presently waging a scorched earth campaign and much of what he’s doing is inexcusable. I’m no fan of Trump nor especially am I a defender of his record but it’s naïve to believe that Biden is just a resumption fo the Obama administration and equally naïve to believe the Obama administration itself was benign.

What makes wokeism so chilling is its self-righteousness. Its adherents believe that the ends justify the means up to and including widespread censorship. The not wholly unjustified curbing of the incitement of the far right will be used as a pretext to close down any YouTube channel they disagree with, which will only enflame right wing extremism and recruit more to the cause. The left are playing with fire, they know damn well they are, and they don’t even care. The more the merrier so far as they’re concerned – and if they can talk up the threat it poses, the more draconian measures they will implement.

I sincerely hope I’m wrong about this, and maybe things will settle down, but even if they do, the woke left is playing the long game. They’ve been building to this for over a decade and BLM has given them the window of opportunity. “Social justice” will now be a key theme of this administration. Like termites, they will gnaw away at the foundations of Western liberty, until it can no longer support its own weight. America is then a dysfunctional basketcase sliding inexorably toward civil war while enemies of freedom rub their hands with glee.

The left have always been keen to link the right to outside influences, particularly Russia, and in the fullness of time we’ll see just what Trump was up to (if anything), but the cancer that brings down America will come from within, by abandoning the egalitarian principles its democracy was founded on. When it does, the left will rejoice and tyranny will reign.